Front-End Development Company

With our well-thought front-end development services, you get a solution with efficient usability, an engaging user experience, and a user interface that users love.

Benefits of Our Front End Developer Services

Reliability and high domain expertise are what you look for in a development partner. That is exactly what EVNE Developers provides as a top-tier front-end development company. With over 11 years of experience, we have helped numerous organizations achieve their objectives, scale their operations, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Analysis of Business Requirements

Our team performs an initial project requirement analysis to ensure that we are on the same page as you. We proceed with front-end software development only after thoroughly studying project requirements, business documentation and asking you project and business-related questions. The analysis phase also requires researching primary market competitors and the business environment.

Lifetime Tech Support

Tech support is an essential component of any product development. As a result, after a project is successfully launched, our team stays in touch with you to be ready to assist with any product-related issues. Our company is always available to assist in an emergency, whether it is bug fixing, product performance, or any other technical difficulties.

Quality UI/UX Design

Our front-end dev company ensures intuitive product design and meaningful experience that increases customer satisfaction and product usage by applying heuristic evaluation, UI prototyping, Data Driven Design, Data Privacy principles, and other UX/UI best practices.

Quick delivery

As the IT industry and competition grow daily, it is critical to deliver timely and high-quality results while keeping up with technological breakthroughs. We understand this and implement Agile methodologies, CI/CD pipelines, and automated testing to accelerate front-end development while ensuring effective cross-functional collaboration.

Optimizing for Mobile First

With Google's new updates, optimizing for mobile first is more important than ever. We use responsive design approaches to ensure that the website shows at the appropriate size and resolution for various devices and screen sizes.

Front-end SEO

We share responsibility for your projects' front-end SEO performance. It includes all website visitors' views, such as text, layout, images, and video. We focus on giving editors tools that provide a clean SEO framework, markup, and accessible design.

Attention to Branding

Our team matches the organization's branding guidelines during front-end development and uses consistent colors, fonts, and design. So, you’ll get a unique, personalized solution that will stand out among competitors.

Our Front End Web Development Services

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ReactJS Development

ReactJS is well-known for its adaptability, flexibility, and convenience. EVNE Developers' front-end developer services can transform static designs into rich, interactive multimedia web experiences.

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Node.js Development

EVNE Developers Node.js developers generate dynamic web page content before sending the page to the end user's web browser, using event-driven programming to interact with web servers.

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JavaScript Development

JavaScript frameworks are essential components of any modern website. EVNE Developers JavaScript developers build dynamic and responsive websites using their extensive experience with core JavaScript development and the most recent frameworks and libraries. Our Javascript experts can also create custom solutions from scratch.

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HTML5/CSS Development

EVNE Developers' front-end developers are experts at designing responsive websites, with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML at the center of front-end development. We ensure that interactive elements are used according to W3C Standard & Cross-browser compatibility coding standards to meet your digital visions, whether they are in the creative or technology domain.

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Web Apps Development

We use progressive web apps (PWAs) та single page apps (SPAs) technologies to develop website apps. PWA adoption improves overall user experience, lowers bounce rates, and increases revenue for most enterprise apps. SPAs, on the other hand, have rejuvenated social media by allowing individuals to engage over the web without slow page loads.

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MVP Development

Our specialists can assist you in evaluating the viability of your software product concept and appropriately analyze its benefits and drawbacks. Consequently, we may develop an MVP of your solution using front-end technologies with minimal risks and investments to gather valuable feedback from end users, expand product features, get the first investment, and polish UX/UI.

Tools & Technologies

Check the technologies that can help broaden your businesses digital borders with the skills of our team.

Our Front End Development Process

EVNE Developers Services - UI/UX design


Our specialists combine industry knowledge with strong technical skills to create sophisticated solutions tailored to your business plan. We develop software for IT, financial, retail, healthcare, educational, e-commerce, travel, and other industries. However, the major industries are as follows:


  • Electronic Trading Platforms;
  • Digital Payments;
  • Analytics and BI;
  • Financial Planning;
  • CRM for Banks;
  • Fintech Software Development;
  • Fintech UX/UI;
  • Financial App Development.
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  • eLearning Portals;
  • Learning Management System;
  • Corporate LMS;
  • Enterprise LMS;
  • eLearning Gamification;
  • Mobile Learning;
  • eLearning App Development;
  • Software for corporate training.
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  • B2B eCommerce Development;
  • B2C eCommerce Development;
  • D2C eCommerce Development;
  • Food Delivery App Development;
  • Online Marketplace;
  • Luxury Digital Stores.
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Why Choose Our Company?

Our team understands your company goals and develops high-quality solutions that achieve those goals by using the best front-end development technologies and processes. Our primary objective is to engage your clients and provide a great user experience. Using the front-end web development frameworks and technologies listed above, we create complex web apps, single-page applications, cross-browser, and cross-platform websites.

Smooth Communication and Reporting

A regular progress meeting with all team members should be scheduled. The team plans daily standups, weekly review meetings, bi-monthly working groups, and any additional meetings necessary to the project. This way, you can stay up to date on any process updates and progress.

Established Reputation

Customers' feedback and numbers will show you the whole picture regarding the company's reputation. EVNE Developers has been in business for 11 years. Each year was dedicated to both front-end and back-end website development. We have gained extensive experience in custom development over the years. We are honored to have been named a top-rated development company with a 5/5 client satisfaction rate by sites like Clutch, and UpWork.

Seasoned Developers

For over 11 years, our engineers have been writing clean, high-performance code. We've worked with a diverse variety of businesses and industries. Our development services are created in line with strict international laws and regulations. Experts at EVNE Developers front-end company continually improve their technical skills by taking professional courses, attending conferences, and self-studying.

Customer-Oriented Approach

When looking for a front-end web development company, our customers choose EVNE Developers because of our exceptional approach to their projects, hard work, and attention to quality, details, and specific business requirements.


We stick to average hourly rates on the market and deliver high-quality products according to deadlines. The exact price will depend on the project’s size, complexity, and hourly rates. Our clients only see productive hours, tracked with special tools, when we invoice them.


We bring real solutions to each client’s problems through a deep understanding of their market, solution, and vision.

Our clients



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We fully understand your business. If you need to update something, we are more than happy to help you with the services we are providing.

There is no best language for front-end development. Every language has a certain function. The development team extensively studies project requirements before selecting a tech stack while starting a project. The larger and more complicated the project, the larger and more complex the tech stack. React.js, Angular, Vue.js, and Node.js, are among the most popular front-end frameworks.

Websites and PWAs that load faster have higher conversion and user retention rates. This is because an optimized website or web app provides a consistent user experience and builds confidence in a brand, resulting in increased traffic and conversion. Users have become quite demanding and will avoid websites and web apps that are difficult to use. Intuitive navigation ensures visitors locate what they are looking for on your website. All that requirements can be covered with proper front-end implementation.

Both are important in product development, but they have different functions. Back-end development deals with the logic and integration of the server side of web-based digital products. Back-end developers build code to allow a database and web product to interact. In other words, front-end developers produce what consumers see, while back-end developers build the infrastructure that allows it to function.

Want to work with us? Let’s talk

Tallinn Estonia
7 Kaupmehe, Tallinn,
10114, Estonia
Berlin Germany
4 Potsdamer Straße, Berlin,
10785, Germany
Malmö Sweden
Anna Lindhs Plats 4,
211 19 Malmö, Sweden

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