Dedicated Development Team

Save money on recruitment and infrastructure costs. Reduce backlog pressure without training or maintaining long-term salaries by hiring a skilled dedicated development team specifically chosen for your requirements.

Benefits of Our Dedicated Development Team

Dedicated development team services will assist you in completing your project on time and within budget. We create expert teams depending on your business specifications and objectives. Then you may concentrate on your main company tasks while we handle the rest.

Fast start

Our dedicated software team model ensures a small time gap between the time you decide to start a project and the start of the actual work. Our managers excel at efficient, practical planning and documentation, making every preliminary step easier and faster, from creating a dedicated development team to onboarding. Forget about months of planning. You'll be ready in a matter of weeks.

Highly flexible and scalable teams

Team flexibility is essential when it comes to tight deadlines, unplanned emergencies, or project scope and priorities changes. And EVNE Developers ensures you will receive a quick answer to each of them. You have more control and flexibility when planning and managing change. You may quickly and easily adjust the workload and team size to meet new objectives—scale the team down after the primary milestone is met, or scale it up and higher.

Full cost transparency

We develop open communication and deliver accurate estimations to our clients while planning and working on a project. There are no hidden costs or fees, such as office rent, equipment, or onboarding. We are entirely honest in our pricing policies and strongly committed to meeting all of the standards stated in the SLA (service-level agreement), always providing our services on time and within budget. You have complete control over the project's scope and know precisely what you're paying for, allowing you to budget safely.

Top-Talent Engineers

Our dedicated development company has a rigorous hiring and training structure to guarantee that our engineers are among the best in the business. To satisfy your specific business objectives, each EVNE Developers engineer has competence in at least two different technology stacks and varied development experience. Our teams use Python, Ruby, NodeJS, JavaScript, React, Laravel, Flutter, Django, and provide QA, DevOps, Business Analysis, UX/UI Design services.QA testing and DevOps.

Manage the project the way you want it

The customer has direct control over the selection, motivation, and administration of the project's dedicated development team. In this case, you will be responsible for deciding each team member's schedule and workload and setting up processes, communication, task management, progress monitoring, performance assessment, and so on. You may always transfer micromanagement to your dedicated project manager if you prefer to focus on the big picture.

Focused approach and high team engagement

One of the most significant benefits is that they are completely devoted to your cause and become a member of your organization. A dedicated development team immerses itself in your company's culture, regulations, values, and goals. They operate following your desired management methods and procedures. Your dedicated development team is entirely at your disposal and is devoted to achieving your goals without distractions. Such a high degree of participation allows the team to grasp your company's demands better, making them more effective and productive in meeting your objectives.

Cost-efficiency and instant access to talent

If you hire a dedicated software development team, you eliminate the need for search, recruiting, and administration. All possible candidates are already gathered in one location; they have everything they need to work on your project and are ready to begin as soon as you want. Building a dedicated development team is substantially less expensive and easier than employing in-house, resulting in the same, if not better, outcomes while leaving resources available for other key processes like business research and marketing.

Hire Dedicated Development Team

A dedicated developers team can be made up of these positions:

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Project Manager (PM)

They act as a link between the team and the customer. Project managers oversee the complete team's route, from workload and deadlines to task delegation to specific project members, communication through the project manager, and central reporting.

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Business Analyst

A business analyst does project-related business and technology research. A business analyst's primary responsibility is to ensure that a product meets the company's goals and technical standards.

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UX/UI Designers

They are in charge of the product's interface and aesthetics. The primary purpose of UI/UX designers is to discover user problems and strive to address them through design issues. This role is charged with creating an appealing aesthetic, user-friendly interface, and cost-effective custom design.

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Software Developers

Front-end and back-end programmers are among the software development professionals. The visible element of the product is created by front-end developers: Programming for clients and Performance enhancement.Back-end programmers work on the product's server side and are involved in the project and its needs from the planning stage through the release.

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QA Specialists

At each stage of the software development process, QAs must check the product for issues and bugs. The QA professionals are in charge of delivering the projects to market without any technical issues.

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DevOps Experts

They collaborate with software development teams and QA professionals to coordinate product development and operation, as well as to provide a comfortable environment for testing project requirements.

Tools & Technologies

Check the technologies that can help broaden your businesses digital borders with the skills of our team.

Our Dedicated Development Team Setup Process

EVNE Developers Services - startup


To create innovative solutions, we combine solid business domain understanding, wide technological skills, and a quality-driven delivery approach. Our technology experts have extensive expertise in developing FinTech, EdTech, eCommerce products, sophisticated online and mobile apps, high-load systems, embedded software, data science, and other products.


  • Electronic Trading Platforms;
  • Digital Payments;
  • Analytics and BI;
  • Financial Planning;
  • CRM for Banks;
  • Fintech Software Development;
  • Fintech UX/UI;
  • Financial App Development.
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  • eLearning Portals;
  • Learning Management System;
  • Corporate LMS;
  • Enterprise LMS;
  • eLearning Gamification;
  • Mobile Learning;
  • eLearning App Development;
  • Software for corporate training.
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  • B2B eCommerce Development;
  • B2C eCommerce Development;
  • D2C eCommerce Development;
  • Food Delivery App Development;
  • Online Marketplace;
  • Luxury Digital Stores.
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Why Choose Our Company?

Flexible scaling

Our self-sustaining squads enable you to scale up and down as needed without interfering with your current workflow or responsibilities. Autonomous talent units — mixed teams of proactive developers that take responsibility for their own successes and share ownership of what they make — are the best approach to growing agile development.

Sustainable development teams

We believe in the long-term success of teams. Thus, we design our agile units with long-term success in mind, focusing on developing sustainable code in a healthy work environment. At EVNE Developers, we work together with you to discover the ideal combination of agility and sustainability, so you can focus on what matters most: extending your company's reach while making a good social effect.

Unique, people-oriented culture

EVNE Developers was founded to make the world a better place. We want to be a terrific partner for you and a human employer for the individuals we work with. To achieve a good work-life balance, we've built a workplace culture that stimulates creativity and productivity while preserving a healthy lifestyle and a minimum of bureaucracy for teams to thrive.

Industry recognition

EVNE Developers has been in business for more than 11 years and has been recognized by the industry's most reputable awards, high customer satisfaction, and top lists at Clutch and UpWork. Our software development company is driven by client satisfaction. We ensure that each customer we deal with has a special relationship and positive experience.

High loyalty on the team

We can help you develop team loyalty and maintain a high level of motivation as you progress through your project, ensuring that you work as a team with your EVNE Developers' dedicated developers. In many situations, the retention rate of EVNE Developers' specialized teams is higher than that of our client's in-house teams, which helps retain product expertise inside the organization.


We handle everything from legal and tax administration to contracts, payroll management, communication channels, and security compliance while preserving a comfortable workspace for our team. With an appointed point-of-contact on the EVNE Developers side, our dedicated developers will rapidly become a natural extension of your in-house team.


We bring real solutions to each client’s problems through a deep understanding of their market, solution, and vision.

Our clients



Clients Already Served

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We fully understand your business. If you need to update something, we are more than happy to help you with the services we are providing.

A dedicated team is a team of professionals offered by the software development vendor with predetermined credentials and skill sets to handle your company’s ongoing and existing software development activities. A dedicated development team is typically used to expand or supplement current onsite software development expertise.

The customer chooses the dedicated development team members, the number of experts, and the work schedule. Based on these specifications, a team is established and placed at the client’s disposal for a set amount of time. The customer or a corporate representative participating in the team can control the work.

Your company’s needs determine the structure of your team. As a result, your development team may include: 

  • Front-end and back-end, full-stack engineers, mobile developers;
  • UX/UI designers;
  • DevOps engineers;
  • Quality assurance specialists;
  • Business analysts;
  • Product managers;
  • Project managers;
  • and other specialists based on the specific features of your product.

The dedicated teams’ principal goal is to completely meet the requirements of the assigned project within the time limits specified in the contract. For long-term projects, most businesses choose a dedicated software team structure.

A developer’s cost rate varies from $100 to $150 per hour if the company is from the USA or Europe. If you look at experts from Eastern Europe who are just as qualified, work in a competitive atmosphere, know English well, and are willing to learn new skills, you can save about $100 per hour (the in-house team cannot). For example, the hour of a ruby on rails developer can be approximately $60. 

Want to work with us? Let’s talk

Tallinn Estonia
7 Kaupmehe, Tallinn,
10114, Estonia
Berlin Germany
4 Potsdamer Straße, Berlin,
10785, Germany
Malmö Sweden
Anna Lindhs Plats 4,
211 19 Malmö, Sweden

Get a successful product out the door effortlessly
