B2B eCommerce Development Agency

Revolutionize your interactions with buyers, suppliers, and channel partners using composable and headless B2B ecommerce software solutions to provide tailored digital commerce services.

Benefits of Our B2B eCommerce Development Services

Enhanced Customization

Our B2B eCommerce solutions are tailored to your unique business requirements, allowing you to customize the platform to suit your specific needs. This ensures that you can deliver a seamless and personalized experience to your buyers, suppliers, and channel partners, resulting in increased engagement and satisfaction.

Composable & Headless Architecture

Our B2B eCommerce software follows a composable and headless architecture, allowing flexibility and scalability. You can easily integrate and compose various components, modules, and APIs to create a customized solution that aligns with your business goals and future growth plans.

Improved Buyer Experience

Our B2B eCommerce development services are designed to provide an intuitive and user-friendly buying experience for your customers. With features such as easy navigation, quick ordering, personalized pricing, and convenient payment options, you can enhance the overall buyer experience, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Streamlined Supplier Management

Our B2B eCommerce solutions provide robust supplier management features, such as automated order processing, real-time inventory updates, and seamless communication channels. This helps streamline supplier interactions, reducing manual errors, and improving order fulfillment, resulting in more efficient supplier management processes.

Channel Partner Collaboration

Our B2B eCommerce development services facilitate seamless collaboration with your channel partners, such as distributors, resellers, and agents. You can provide them with access to relevant information, sales tools, and marketing resources, enabling them to sell your products or services more effectively and efficiently.

Scalability and Flexibility

Our B2B eCommerce software solutions are designed to scale with your business growth and adapt to changing market dynamics. You can easily add new features, functionalities, and integrations as your business evolves, making it a flexible and future-proof solution for your B2B commerce needs.

Data-Driven Insights

Our B2B eCommerce development services provide comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing you to gain valuable insights into your business performance. You can track key metrics, monitor sales trends, and analyze customer behavior, enabling data-driven decision-making for your B2B commerce strategies.

Our Customized B2B eCommerce Development Services

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B2B eCommerce Platform Development

We can develop a robust and scalable B2B eCommerce platform from scratch, tailored to your specific business needs. This includes designing and building a user-friendly interface, developing a secure and reliable back-end system, integrating with third-party APIs, and implementing advanced features such as personalized pricing, multi-level user access, and complex product catalogs.

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Integration with ERP, CRM, and Other Business Systems

Our customized B2B eCommerce development services can integrate your B2B eCommerce platform with existing business systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and other backend systems. This ensures seamless data synchronization, inventory management, and order processing, resulting in efficient and streamlined business operations.

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Payment Gateway Integration

Our B2B eCommerce agency can integrate your B2B eCommerce platform with secure and reliable payment gateways to facilitate smooth and secure online transactions. This includes integrating with popular payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, and electronic fund transfers, and implementing features like invoice management, credit limits, and payment terms for B2B transactions.

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Mobile Commerce Development

We can develop mobile commerce solutions, including mobile apps and mobile-optimized web interfaces, to cater to the growing trend of B2B buyers using mobile devices for their purchasing needs. Our mobile commerce solutions are designed to be user-friendly, responsive, and secure, providing a seamless buying experience across different mobile devices.

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API Development and Integration

Our B2B eCommerce development agency can develop custom APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allowing easy integration with other business systems, third-party applications, and services. This includes creating APIs for order management, inventory management, customer data synchronization, and other functionalities, enabling smooth communication and data exchange between different systems.

Tools & Technologies

Our B2B eCommerce Development Process

EVNE DEvelopers services - Business Analytics


We leverage our deep understanding of business domains, broad technological proficiency, and a quality-centric approach to craft cutting-edge solutions. Our team of technology experts possesses vast expertise in developing FinTech, EdTech, eCommerce products, advanced online and mobile applications, high-load systems, embedded software, data science solutions, and other innovative products.


  • Electronic Trading Platforms;
  • Digital Payments;
  • Analytics and BI;
  • Financial Planning;
  • CRM for Banks;
  • Fintech Software Development;
  • Fintech UX/UI;
  • Financial App Development.
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  • eLearning Portals;
  • Learning Management System;
  • Corporate LMS;
  • Enterprise LMS;
  • eLearning Gamification;
  • Mobile Learning;
  • eLearning App Development;
  • Software for corporate training.
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  • B2B eCommerce Development;
  • B2C eCommerce Development;
  • D2C eCommerce Development;
  • Food Delivery App Development;
  • Online Marketplace;
  • Luxury Digital Stores.
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In addition to our expertise in these industries, we also have extensive experience in solution development for healthcare, travel, social media, and retail sectors, which enables us to design sophisticated solutions across diverse fields. For more information, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Why Choose Us As B2B eCommerce Development Agency?

Expertise in B2B eCommerce

We have specialized experience in B2B eCommerce development, with a deep understanding of the unique requirements, challenges, and opportunities associated with B2B transactions. Our team of skilled developers and domain experts are well-equipped to deliver tailored solutions for B2B eCommerce businesses.

Technological Proficiency

Our B2B eCommerce agency boasts a wide range of technological skills, including expertise in various eCommerce platforms, payment gateways, APIs, database management, security protocols, and more. We stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements to ensure that our B2B eCommerce solutions are built using cutting-edge technologies.

Quality-Driven Approach

We follow a rigorous quality-driven approach in our development process to ensure that the solutions we deliver are of the highest quality. We conduct thorough testing, debugging, and optimization to ensure that our B2B eCommerce solutions are robust, scalable, and user-friendly.

Diverse Industry Experience

Apart from B2B eCommerce, we have a diverse portfolio of experience in developing solutions for various industries such as finance, healthcare, travel, retail, and more. This cross-industry experience enables us to bring insights and best practices from different sectors into our B2B eCommerce development projects, resulting in innovative and effective solutions.

Proven Track Record

We have a proven track record of successfully delivering B2B eCommerce solutions to satisfied clients. Our portfolio of completed projects showcases our expertise in B2B eCommerce development and demonstrates our ability to deliver high-quality solutions that meet client objectives.

Strong Customer Support

We prioritize excellent customer service and provide ongoing support to our clients throughout the development process and beyond. Our team is responsive, reliable, and committed to maintaining a strong partnership with our clients, ensuring their satisfaction with our customized B2B eCommerce development services.


We bring real solutions to each client’s problems through a deep understanding of their market, solution, and vision.

Our clients



Clients Already Served

Related blog posts

Our blog posts cover a wide range of topics related to B2B eCommerce, providing valuable insights, tips, and strategies for businesses looking to thrive in the B2B eCommerce space.


We fully understand your business. If you need to update something, we are more than happy to help you with the services we are providing.

B2B eCommerce is important for several reasons:


  • Increased efficiency: B2B eCommerce allows businesses to streamline their procurement processes, automate workflows, and reduce manual errors. 
  • Expanded market reach: B2B eCommerce enables businesses to reach customers beyond their geographical boundaries, opening up new markets and opportunities for growth.
  • Enhanced customer experience: B2B eCommerce provides customers with convenient online access to products and services, personalized pricing, and self-service options, resulting in an improved customer experience.
  • Improved sales and revenue: B2B eCommerce allows businesses to scale their sales efforts, expand their customer base, and increase revenue through online sales channels.
  • Data-driven insights: B2B eCommerce platforms generate valuable data on customer behavior, preferences, and buying patterns, which can be leveraged to gain insights and make data-driven business decisions.

The cost of developing a B2B eCommerce website can vary greatly depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the website, features and functionalities required, design and customization needs, integrations with third-party systems, and the expertise of the development team. Generally, the cost can range from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Working with an experienced B2B eCommerce agency that can provide a detailed estimate based on your specific requirements and budget is important.

The time it takes to develop a B2B eCommerce platform can also vary depending on the complexity and scope of the project. A simple B2B eCommerce website may take several weeks to a few months to develop, while a more complex platform with advanced features and integrations may take several months to a year or more. Factors such as project planning, design, development, testing, and deployment all contribute to the overall timeline. 

Want to work with us? Let’s talk

Tallinn Estonia
7 Kaupmehe, Tallinn,
10114, Estonia
Berlin Germany
4 Potsdamer Straße, Berlin,
10785, Germany
Malmö Sweden
Anna Lindhs Plats 4,
211 19 Malmö, Sweden

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