1. What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?
  2. Why Building an MVP is Important?
  3. Main Benefits of an MVP for Startups
  4. Key MVP Models
  5. Steps to Develop a Minimum Viable Product
  6. Typical Budget for Building an MVP
  7. Conclusion

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

Why Building an MVP is Important?

Main Benefits of an MVP for Startups

Cost-Effective Development

Faster Time to Market

Customer Feedback

Key MVP Models

Wizard of Oz MVP

Concierge MVP

Landing Page MVP

Pre-Sell MVP

EVNE Developers is a dedicated software development team with a product mindset.
We’ll be happy to help you turn your idea into life and successfully monetize it.

Steps to Develop a Minimum Viable Product

Typical Budget for Building an MVP

  • The key here is to manage costs and strategies which can be helpful for startups; 
  • It is necessary to implement only the most necessary features providing the users’ value;
  • It is desirable to use open-source tools; 
  • Use Agile methodologies that will allow starting projects with a small set of capabilities and developing an MVP features in further iterations; 
  • Hiring freelance developers or hiring a remote team can also somewhat decrease expenses.


Roman Bondarenko is the CEO of EVNE Developers. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics.